Life Safety Consulting (Out of Service & Barrier Conflicts)

Life Safety Consulting

Out of Service & Barrier Conflicts

Out of Service:
 Original construction calls for life safety items such as dampers, doors and barrier walls to be installed to meet the code of the time. Over time, barriers may change due to a variety of reasons. Codes may also change. Many times, life safety dampers are left in the ducts. Current code requires these dampers to be maintained, repaired or taken out service. Egis Corporation works with a 3rd party engineering company to professionally deal with these items. We review past and current drawings. We supply support documentation to our third party  engineer. We attain a stamped engineering judgement to work with the AHJ in taking items out of service. Our teams either extracts or  locks open in place. We then  tag the location as out of service. Decisions to take items out of service are based upon safety concerns, physical limitations, or cost.

Barrier Conflict:

Rated barrier walls and shafts were designed by registered Architects when buildings were constructed.  As-built MEP drawings were created. As new projects were either designed or completed, new as-built drawings were created. Over the last few decades, unstamped life safety drawings were created and used for regulatory audits. Frequently, these drawings have become the drawings building managers use to make decisions. These drawings don't always match the original "stamped" permitted drawings. Life safety items that exist in the ducts, door that have ratings and walls that are built with either one or two layers are seen, but do not match what the new unstamped life safety drawings are showing.

Egis Corporation (Florida) documents these barrier conflicts. We interact with clients and other vendors responsible for making changes. We identify, track and share conflicts in our Procore program.

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